Xmoto Free Download Mac

Despite not being the best motorbike game, X-Moto can be considered amusing and challenging. And furthermore, it can be downloaded totally free of charge. It vaguely reminds us of other similar titles of the likes of Hill Climb Racing due to its gameplay as the laws of physics play an important role: inertia and gravity can take you to the ground and finish your race earlier than expected. You'll to be gentle on the controls to make sure you don't lose your balance.

Xmoto free download mac software

X-Moto is an arcade physics-based motorcycle game bearing similarities to popular commercial title, Elasto Mania. The goal in each level is to reach the finish, sometimes collecting all strawberries/cogwheels (depends on version you play) scattered around the map. Download latest (newest) and older versions of free software. OldApps is the largest software archive. Safe and fast downloads for Windows, Mac and Linux apps.


A motorbike game that won't go down in history

Apart from that, we're talking about a game with hundreds of different levels in which our goal is to collect as many strawberries as possible to be able to complete each one of them. Therefore, this game is more like a platformer than a racing title.

In any case, it won't go down in gaming history as one of the best motorbike video games, that's for sure. Its graphics could do with an improvement and if you decide to download it that's probably because it's free. However, you won't play too much, we can warn you now that its difficulty combined with its above-mentioned graphics make it rather exasperating.


Xmoto Free Download Mac Software

XMoto is a 2D motocross platform game in which you'll have to overcome different obstacles scattered throughout dozens of different scenes, all with the added complexities of having a motorcycle respond to the laws of physics.
The vehicle controls are very basic: up to accelerate, down to brake, left to rotate counterclockwise, right to rotate clockwise, space to change direction.
To pass each level you need to collect strawberries which you will find on the screen’s key areas. A sunflower means the end of the current scene. Beware of the mines! Stepping on them is not good. The same applies to hitting your head on the ground, or against a wall.
XMoto comes with an integrated level editor that you can use to create your own screens and share them with the program's community of users.